Sunday, May 16, 2010

First Weekend in Berdyansk

We called around about getting another apartment and finally talked to Bill at the church that the Rhan's referred us to. We made arrangements to go there at 9PM after we ate and took Cody back to the orphanage. Bill was so nice – he offered to come get us in a van and drop Cody off! What a nice guy – extremely personable – from Montana.

Originally we were to have Cody back at the orphanage at 7 pm and there wasn't enough time so Elliott offered to call Galena and ask to keep him till 9 and she said OK. Oles said that Galena had offered to let us keep him overnight originally but we really don't have the space here.

We went to the apartment – it was fabulous – large rooms but only one bedroom and a living room. It has a storage room with a desk in it so we are going to get some foam mattresses for Oles and Elliott to use there. Also there is a second apartment that has an attached door that is available through Wednesday, so we are taking that. We will move after service tomorrow. Gonna get two cabs and pack up.

Kath and I got up by 8 and they boys slept in (naturally). We walked up to find a coffee house and couldn't find one. We ended up at the bar I was at yesterday afternoon with the free Wi-Fi. I got a cappuccino cause I could point to it and Kath just drank her bottle of water. We blogged and updated my Quicken accounts and then we went looking for brunch to take bake to the kids. We got the same potato filled pastries that we got yesterday and then went to a bakery. We got a couple of bear claws and other jelly filled thingies and headed back.

At 12:30 we ordered three cabs and started the move. By 1:30 we were all moved in and started laundry. This really feels like home!!! Security is great - it is in a compound and has locks on the entry door and the door to the appartment. We are now trying to figure out what to do for lunch/dinner.

We had Nick get Cody at the orphanage and he is with us now.


Nancy Hathaway said...

Hi Guys,
You're at the Church where the Heart For Orphans office is, and the original Ruth's House was.
Apartments are great, aren't they? Glad you all are settling in ;)
Hope everything goes smoothly and fast!
Lots of love,

Anonymous said...

Okay, Dave and Kathie, I'm confused. Is Sasha really Cody? If not, who's Cody? If that's his new american name--cool!
Also, please tell Oles Hi from Tim and Me...we're praying for you! Charlene

Rahn's Journey said...

Hi everyone,
Things are going great so far, I hope it keeps up. You are living in the best spot in Berdyansk that is sooooo cool. God's favor on you that both places will be available at the same time. We are all very happy that Cody (Sasha) is so excited about the adoption. We are praying for a court date this friday, any chance? Shak is doing well, he is a good boy(sometimes). This was good medicine for us, thank you.

ourgirlsstory said...

Glad to hear it is going good. I hope you are talking Oles ears off. It seems strange not to hear from him. Ask him to call Tim we have a few questions for him. Thanks agian for dinner the other night. It was alot of fun.

Passanita Family said...

Glad things are going well. Sounds like all teh boys are getting along just fine and having fun together. Prayers are oging out for your mom, Kathie, and for a speedy court date.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it is going really well. It has to help that you have been thru this before. Still praying for you Love Jeannette

Marcia DiMattia said...

Hello all-
Ralph's father is really ill and getting worst by the day so I haven't been able to read your blog until tonight. I spent the weekend in New Jersey...don't know what is worse...your first apartment or New Jersey???? Hummmm anyway, the name eh? I just learned that now. Oh I am so excited and praying...
Love you lots.

Marcia DiMattia said...

Hi All,
I haven't been able to keep up with your blog until today (Monday, May 17th). Ralph's dad is really ill and doing worse by the day so we have been in New Jersey...not sure what is worse...your first apartment or New Jersey...hummm....
anyhow, I am praying for you...and I just learned Cody is the name? Am I right? Very nice, very nice.
kiss all those boys for me!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
I just caught up with the posts, it sounds like things are falling into place. I am so happy that you are in a nicer place. Mary Katherine I sent you a message on facebook. Will write again soon.
Love you all.
Hugs and Kisses,

Unknown said...

Alright, quit writing about bear claws and their warm cherry center! You are cracking me up!! Where are my pictures Mr. computer guy?

Nancy Hathaway said...

HA! Amen, Tobi!! You tell 'em!

Q's News said...

Hey - can you post a couple pictures? We're so excited for you.
Tim Q