Friday, June 18, 2010

Medical, Embassy for Visa

Notice the view - from the seventh floor balcony. I'm almost afraid to drink a piva on the balcony cause if I dropped it, it could kill someone. I did say "almost"!!

It has been cooler here - upper 50's but absolutely beautiful!! Ate at McDonalds three times yesterday - not for the food - it's just convenient! It is the only place open before 8 AM.

Took a cab to the Embassy first thing this morning and had the Visa in hand by 9:30. We took the Metro (subway) back to the apartment. Now we just wait for Kathie to do her majic with Golden Rule travel to get us back. Please pray for a Delta opening!! That is a better itinerary.

Just chillin at Double Coffee on Krashadic street. Large ritzy area by Independence Square. Eating chocolate cake for breakfast - Cody had 2 milkshakes - can't remember the word for no!!!


The Schweickerts said...
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Kevin and Kim McCormack said...

I wanna know how you got the passport!

The McEacherns said...

Beautiful picture of Independence Square!

Passanita Family said...

Cool picture. Didn't hear about anyone dying form being hit by a flying piva so I guess they will allow you to leave the country, huh? Safe travels home to you both. Can't wait to meet Codi!